Category: Adult

leagues, tournaments, clinics

PRC Lovesetters Awards Night

The PRC Lovesetters had their end of the season and awards celebration tonight at the club.  Congratulations to the team, champions of the USTA 3.5 40 and over indoor league.  They will advance to District Championships in August.  Doris Manahan, the captain, presented many awards – including to Auggie!  Thanks to Doris and all of…

Seeing Green at PRC

Lots of fun on the courts today for the St Patrick’s Day Match Plays.  Congratulations to the Ides of March (Lucy, Keiko, Sue and Angela) and the 11:00 group, Jamesons  (Ellen, Linda, Roberta, Linda) who won the round robin team competition.  Exciting and great playing by everyone.

Congratulations PRC Force

After 20 matches, the final match today determined the winner of the 3.0 40 and over USTA Adult League.  Congratulations to Captain Nancy Kenkelen and her teammates of the PRC Force, who captured 1st place over the PRC Sweetspots.  The PRC Hurricanes and PRC Cosmos will finish the season with a make up match next…

Congratulations PRC Sweetspots

Congratulations to the PRC Sweetspots, who have earned a first place finish in the winter 2.5 USTA League season.  Thanks to Coach Mansour and Captain Leslie Urubshurow.  The team will play their final match on Tuesday against PTP.  The Sweetspots will advance to NJD District Championships which will be held in July.

March Into Spring

Spring programming information for adults is available and registration is now open.  Instructional clinics are available for beginners through tournament level players during the day time and evenings and weekends.  Social singles and doubles league play with coaching supervision is very popular.  PRC is a proud to be a Premier USTA League Tennis Provider and…

PRC Will Close at 3 pm on Wednesday

PRC will close at 3 pm today.  All juniors and adults enrolled in clinics, as well as contract courts, will be given a make up at the end of the season.  Homework for a snow day:  name three areas of your game that you are pleased with and three areas that you would like to…

Warming Up for Tennis

We want you to have a wonderful tennis experience on the courts. Whether you are taking a lesson, playing with your friends or competing in a match, please dress warmly during the record setting low temperatures. Dress in layers so you can remove a layer as you warm up. Arrive early at the courts and…

Tennis Holidays

There are still a lot of opportunities to spend the holidays playing tennis with family members or friends.  Open court time is available through New Year’s Day at a holiday discount rate.  Coach Mansour is running Game Drills (drills with lots of movement and fun) and Match Plays (doubles matches with supervision) on Sunday and…

PRC Holiday Schedule

Winter Welcome at Princeton Racquet Club

PRC is pleased to offer a huge array of tennis and pickleball programs over the holidays.  Contract courts and regularly scheduled clinics will end on December 24-January 1st.  PRC will be open on December 24th from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm and will be closed on Christmas Day so that our staff can share the…

Early Bird Special for Singles

Coach Judy had more than a full house for the singles match plays at 8 am Friday.  Great focus and fun by all twelve participants, who have improved their tactics, strokes and positioning over the last year.