Category: Match Play & Fed Cup

social leagues, match play, fed cup

Ireland Captures Fed Cup

Fed Cup July 15th

The heat and humidity didn’t discourage over 40 women from participating in Fed Cup today.  Congratulations to Ireland (283), who earned the most points and thanks to everyone who played and played with so much effort and enthusiasm.  The final scores were:  Italy (276), Scotland (269) and France (240).

Monday Match Play Perfect Way to Start The Week

Monday match play

Evaluation scores for Monday:  weather – 10, quality of matches – 10, sportsmanship – 10, being with friends – infinite number.  Thanks everyone for coming out on this gorgeous day.  The sky was so blue it was almost distracting on the serve, more so than the serve.

Luxembourg Captures Fed Cup

Fed Cup

Six countries were represented today for Fed Cup by 36 women.  Matches were competitive and everyone demonstrated good mental toughness while playing in hot temperatures.  Congratulations to Luxembourg:  Lesley, Janet, Doreen S, Dodie, Carolyn and Ellen.

Stars and Stripes are the Best!

Forty women participated in the 4th of July Fed Cup held today, dressing in red, white and blue.  Rather than representing countries, the teams earned points for their team related to 4th of July.  Final standing points:  Firecrackers (265), Rockettes (277), Sparklers (280) and congratulations to the Stars and Stripes (287).  Everyone celebrated with toasting the USA (with…

Every Point Counts

“Every Point Counts” is the motto of Fed Cup and today proved why. With six countries competing, the point differential between first and fifth place was only 13 points. The team of UK, who may have fared better here in the states than abroad, captured first place with 167 over the U.S. with 166. Congratulations…

Cherry Blossoms Bloom at Fed Cup

The first Fed Cup of the outdoor season followed the tree dedication in Irene Gross’s memory today at 11:30 am.  In honor of Irene, teams were named after trees, rather than representing countries.  Twenty four women gathered on a beautiful day for wonderful  points.  The Cherry Blossoms captured first place out of the Dogwoods, Magnolias and…

Rain Didn’t Dampen Match Play or Game Drill

The rain forced postponement of the French Open but didn’t hinder many women from having fun at Game Drills and match play on Monday. Thanks to Mansour for his energy and help.

New Women’s League off to Sunny Start

2.5-3.0 Round Robin

The new 2.5-3.0 Women’s League is off to a sunny start.  Coach Mansour will arrange and supervise match play on Thursdays 12:30-2:00 pm.  It’s a great way to meet friends, try things learned in drills, learn the rules and etiquette of the game and play with different people.  You can sign up by the week…

The Sun Came Out For Monday Match Play!

Monday match play

In celebration of the appearance of the sun and blue sky, the participants of the Monday match play were assigned teams and chose names related to sunshine.  Congratulations to the Sunflowers:  Tippy, Rachel, Sherri, Karen, Sue and Yan Mei, who were victorious over the Hots, Sunnyside Ups and Flares.

Mental toughness on Full Display at PRC

The temperatures were very cold for the end of April but the outdoor courts were filled with women who displayed lots of mental toughness and great tennis points this morning at 9:30 am. Match play and the PRC Jersey Girls and PRC Cosmos competed and had lots of fun.