Category: Match Play & Fed Cup

social leagues, match play, fed cup

Germany Captures PRC Fed Cup

It was an eventful Fed Cup today.  The weather varied between hot, humid, cloudy and breezy, but the main thing was that the courts stayed dry.  Lots of reunions today.  It was fun to see friends who have returned from vacations, as well as Debbie Youngerman, visiting from Florida.  Ulli Arendt reunited with Ingrid, her…

Record Turnout For Exciting Fed Cup

A record 48 women participated in Fed Cup on Friday.  The competition was exciting and the moto of Fed Cup, every point counts, was confirmed by the close results:  Cameroon (312), New Zealand (320), Denmark (324) and the winners, Iceland (328).  That’s right – 16 points between the 4th and first place team.  Congratulations to…

TGIF for Italy!

Congratulations to the members of Italy, who won Fed Cup on a beautiful morning:  Rita, Yan Mei, Helene, Pearl, Gayle and Lorraine.  Thanks to everyone who came out for another fun day at Fed Cup.

Wimbledon White Out at PRC

PRC celebrated Wimbledon today with a white out on the courts. The day started with Judy’s singles players and the 8 am drill. Next, 40 women participated in Fed Cup with a Wimbledon theme and the championship team was decided by 1 point! Congratulations to the Pims (281): Jane, Tippy, Lorraine, Keiko, Sue, Tracy, Dale,…

Hot Fed Cup Results

It was a full house on a hot and sunny day for Fed Cup today.  The scores were Monaco 254, USA 265, Scotland 271 and the champions, Costa Rico 200.  Congratulations to Friedel, Barb, Suzie, Mary, Dale, Toni, Cathy, Jodi, Lucy and Elaine (not shown).

Monday = Tennis + Friendship

Good times with friends was the main feature of the Monday Match play yesterday.  It was great to welcome back Kate Lakritz, (AZ) and also extend good wishes to Jacinta Samuel, who will be in NZ for an extended stay.  What a gorgeous day for tennis and friendship.

Historical Fed Cup

The ever popular summer Fed Cup got off to an awesome start as 56 women participated (with a waiting list)! The matches were terrific and so many women met players that they did not know.  A fabulous Friday! Congratulations to the team of New Zealand/Japan (they couldn’t decide who to be but they played good…

TGIF- Thank God It’s Friday!

What a beautiful day to play tennis – and the courts were packed!  Coach Judy and the singles players started off at 8 am, followed by two USTA Women’s matches (with three PRC teams).  Two Fed Cups were held with Memorial Day themes.  Congratulations to the 9:30 winners Stars and Stripes (Diane, Friedel, Stacie and…

Beautiful Morning at PRC!

After what seemed to be a month of rain, twenty women ventured outside in cloudy and windy conditions for match play this morning.  Everyone was so grateful to get some tennis played and the matches were exciting.  Thanks to Maria for making the courts playable and in super shape.

Spring Into Summer!

The summer season is approaching and the information for junior clinics and adult programs is available.  Registration starts May 21st.  In addition to the very popular junior tennis camp, clinics are offered after camp on weekdays (between 4:00-6:30 pm) and on weekends.  The PRC junior program has three tracks:  10 and under, developmental and competitive. …