Tag: women’s tennis

Stars and Stripes are the Best!

Forty women participated in the 4th of July Fed Cup held today, dressing in red, white and blue.  Rather than representing countries, the teams earned points for their team related to 4th of July.  Final standing points:  Firecrackers (265), Rockettes (277), Sparklers (280) and congratulations to the Stars and Stripes (287).  Everyone celebrated with toasting the USA (with…

Sweet Party!

Sweet Spots Party

The 2.5 PRC Sweet Spots celebrated their successful season with a party on Thursday.  Congratulations to the team, many of whom played their first USTA matches and thanks to Coach Mansour and Captain Lauren.

Wanted: 3.0 and 3.5 Women 40 and over

PRC Pacers

Evenings leagues are great for working women or players hoping to avoid the daytime heat.  Teams are being organized for the summer USTA Women’s 40 and over leagues.  The 3.0 league matches will be held on Mondays 6:00 pm and the 3.5 matches will be held on Wednesdays at 6 pm. The format is two singles…

A Good Friday for Tennis

Robin, Leslie, Lorraine, Kay

It was a Good Friday for tennis as 16 women participated in the Match Play at 9:30 am.  The points were exciting and fun and more so, everyone enjoyed being together.  Lots of positive intensity, movement, good shot selection and plenty of laughter.