Category: Leagues

Blizzard doesn’t keep PRC women away from Australian!

Match play at Princeton Racquet Club

Australian at PRC! The aftermath of the blizzard didn’t hinder the women in the Monday match play from participating at the club. Doubles teams worked on the Australian formation. This is a great way to mix it up while playing. Assuming all players are right handed, the following tips would apply. From the deuce side,…

How to evaluate if you are an asset to your (doubles) partner

Match Play Seminar

Do  you enjoy playing with your doubles partner?  Do you think that your partner enjoys playing with you?  Picking a partner that shares the same goals as you is helpful.  If one player competes for social reasons and his/her partner only plays to win, they may not be playing tennis with the same goals in…

Colorful days at the PRC

Colorful days at the PRC

It was a colorful day at PRC today with lots of matching colors. Mine, Lauren and Elaine modeled green and Judy, Shaina and Cos modeled fuchsia.