Tag: USTA Adult League Tennis

Playing the PRC Way

PRC - Pride Respect Character

Thanks to all of the PRC USTA captains and teammates that attended the seminar presented by Judy and Cos.  The theme of the presentation was “Playing the PRC Way”.  Remember that PRC not only stands for Princeton Racquet Club, but also Pride, Respect and Character. Taking Pride in your performance can start with your pre…

PRC Alley Katz Have Reason(s) to Celebrate!

3.0 Alley Katz

The PRC Alley Katz celebrated their championship season today with a win, party and a visit from Satoko, who was visiting from Japan.  Thanks to all of the captains (Kate, Nancy, Sue, Daisy and Catherine) and the teammates of the Alley Katz, Cosmos, Crazy Margaritas and Hurricanes for a successful season.  Congratulations to the PRC Alley Katz,…

Free – To Be Your Best

Mailbox at Princeton Racquet Club

Attention all PRC USTA Captains and Teammates!  Free seminar on Thursday, March 24th at 12:30 pm.  Cos and Judy will address different topics in preparation for the USTA League season.  The theme is playing the PRC Way with Pride, Respect and Character and it will contribute to your being you best, on and off the…

PRC Triple Threat 3 Times As Good

Reva Leung

Congratulations to Reva Leung, captain of the PRC Triple Threat, and her team who are the local champions of the Middle States New Jersey Tri-Level League. The league season began in November and ended last week and consists of doubles teams at the 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 level.  PRC Triple Threat now advances to the…

Congratulations Captain Reva!

Reva Leung

Reva Leung has been named the USTA League Captain of the Year by the Middle States/New Jersey District.  Reva has been a captain of many PRC over the years, including the  Tri Level, Mixed 7.0 and the 3.5 Women’s teams.  She also volunteered her time to assist with the district championships.   Reva will be honored…

Frame It!

If you had a picture frame for tennis, what would you put in it?  Would it be a photo of you and your tennis friends/teammates?  A photo of your favorite pro player or a memory of a pro event in which you attended?  An image of you hitting a shot?  A picture of you in…

Friends or Foe?

PRC 3.5 USTA Friday teams

Today the two 3.5 USTA teams played each other at PRC.  Looking at this photo, it would be hard to tell the opponents from the teammates.   Friends first, foes second.  Congratulations to the Topspinners who were awarded the victory after a 2-2 tie.  Great tennis.

PRC is a Place to Celebrate With Friends

Friday match play at Princeton Racquet Club

There was as much activity in the lobby today as there was on the courts today.  After Friday match play, friends gathered to surprise Deb Castoldi on her birthday.  Shortly after, the PRC Topspinners welcomed Kate Lakritz back after double foot surgery and then celebrated their victory against Nassau Racquet Club in the 3.5 USTA League.  Isn’t tennis a wonderful…

USTA Adult League Tennis Teams are Forming Now

USTA League Captain's Meeting at Princeton Racquet Club

The USTA Adult League Meeting for captains of women’s team was conducted on January 25th at Princeton Racquet Club.  Judy Vogt, League Coordinator for the 2.5, 3.0 and 3.5 leagues, organized the teams and Sharon Narsiff, NJD coordinator, presented new league rules for the upcoming season.  The USTA league captains meeting for the Women’s 18 & Over 4.0,…